UPDATED ON 04/01/2012

Here you can find a lot of information about what i am doing and what i will do. To more detailed information visit the BLOG!

Now, the release dates is only a planned date to the project be delivered. If some project finishes early or get delayed, all the projects will be affected. If a project is paused, it means i will only reume it when all the previous projects are completed.








10% 21 FULL COLOR PAGE 3/21


35% 15 FULL COLOR PAINTING 6/15 ???


Let me explain what you need to know to understand these numbers below. When i make a comic, i follow certain steps what i will call it by phases. These phases are:

1- Storyboard. The first phase. From a script, text or only by deviations of my wicked mind i compose the pages of the comic. I make the scenes and pannels in a very rough way. This way i can have some idea of how the comic will look. This phase is very quicky but very important. If the storyboard is funky, surely the comic will funky as well.

2- Layout. This is the skeleton of the comic. With the storyboard in hands i draw the pages. This is the comic itself. In some cases i need some character sheets before doing the layouts, but usually i do them together with the storyboard. This phase is a tricky one. The layout must have a certain level of details but not too much!! I will explain more in the next phase.

3- Inking. Beware the nightmare! This thing can destroy any comic. Basicly, i cover the lines of the layouts with black ink. This phase costs a lot of time, some things can't be rushed and this is one of them. A bad inking can mess any art and a good inking can really make miracles, turning a funky doodle in a awesome piece of art(heh.). Nerves of steel and cold blood are required to this job. I usually prefer to use my time on making a good inking than making a detailed layout. This works for me.

4-Effects. See? Making a comic is a tough job. This phase can be very fun and rewarding. With the inking complete, now i start to making the comic... pretty. Isn't very painful as the inking and the results starts to show right away. In a black and white comic, the effects are textures and gray tones. And in a full colors comic this the phase to use the brushes. Light and shadow spots are the basic effects but sometimes we need more than that. Any extra time applying effects is always welcome.

5-Text. The easiest part. Put the bubbles and some cheesy and dirty talk in them and we are ready. I try to be careful to not cover the arts with them. But i know you guys like my texts in the same way...

6- Review. A person with eagle eyes and a lot of patience(not me) checks the pages for errors. Basicly gramma erros. Quicky stuff. My favorite part.


To make a comic I usually make all the pages in each phase before i proceed to the next one. Sometimes i simply make page by page. Everything depends. Very well, knowing that you can know how the production is going. For example, when i say the actual phase is STORYBOARD 15/45, this means i done 15 pages of a storyboard of 45 pages. When i get the 45 pages ready, i will start the layout phase. Quite simple, huh?

I must say the Layout phase takes more time than the storyboard phase and sometimes the Effects phase is more complicated than the inking phase. Everything depends of the project. The release date is calculated using various factors, how much detailed/difficult is the arts, my lazyness, the temperature, a new type of technic, a release of a new action game, etc.

Ah, you can check samples in the future projects folder in my GALLERY. Or visit the BLOG!